Healing from the Kaaba

Makkah and Madinah is the holy land where you can set your heart and you will love these lands. I remember the time when I went for the Umrah. It was holy journey for me. I went there for blessing. I was very sick and I was tired from life. This was very terrible process for me when I was in hospital and process was going on. At one place, I was just disappointed from the life then my friend come to visit me and he said why you are not going to the Kaaba for the umarh. You will feel better and its will be peace full for you. When Your lord is agreeing with you and he will heal you and he will provide you the comforts. Then he said and recite the supplication he said that O Lord of the persons you are the best, please remove this pain and treatment it, you are the one who treatments and there is no one also You who can cure You are grant such an action that no illness leftovers. Then he said I am going for the umarh lets join me and then we acquire the Best 5- star Luxury Hotels Family Umrah Packages in October With Luxury Hotels 2017 which is included with all type of things like best services and then we reached the airport. So, our holy journey get started I was very excited with my friend to reached this journey. Then the time come and we reach our best place the home of Allah. when I reached, their I feel like my all pains are removing now and I am feeling so light and happy. What a cure and what relief. This is the true saying that your all wounds will be heal with the greetings of the great Allah. When I have done my tawaf and then I realize so much happiness and when I was at mosque of the Prophet Muhammad-e-Mustafa (PBUH) I feel cure and all healings from the site of the God. When I come back I was totally perfect and that is the miracle when you love your lord he will cure you in any cost.

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