Preaching of the Prophet Muhammad-E-Mustafa(PBUH)

Prophet Muhammad-E-Mustafa(PBUH) is the great prophet. Allah chooses him for the betterment of the humanity. Manhood needs the prophet at that time because all the humanity is indulged in the dark. They need a change, they want something that civilized. Then Allah chooses the messenger in the orphan of the prophet Ishmael(PBUH) who was chosen for the sacrifices. Yes, He was the Prophet and till now we celebrate the Sunnah of his father Ibrahim(PBUH). Our great prophet Muhammad-E-Mustafa(PBUH) start preaching when Allah order him and then all the dark night was gone and very one is entering Islam with slow and steady. In his time, there are so many miracles which are the proof that he is the most important messenger of the Lord and he was the one who is chosen by the Allah and when he said and asked people that worship when God and he are the only one. Your idols are useless and they don’t have the ability to give anything. This is not the religion of Moses and this not religion of the Ibrahim and this is not a religion of Jesus. When he was preaching, there are so many miracles when he did that and this is the proof that He is the real prophet of the Allah who come for the preaching of the God and who come to show the right path to the world. Once Prophet Muhammad-e-Mustafa(PBUH) was sitting with his companions. One black man who was the hunter and he hunted the lizard. At that time the Arabic people eat that lizard. He said that If you are the real prophet so if my dead lizard said that you are the real prophet(PBUH) then I will accept then Prophet said from the Lizard. She awoke and said what day how my fate is blessed that you call me. You are the messenger who remembers your nation on the day of the restoration and he is the messenger of Allah I testify all were quiet and the black man accepted the Islam. Muslims all over the world come for the hajj and Umrah with the package Best 5-star Luxury Hotels Group Umrah offer in UK Holidays with Luxury Hotels 2017.

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