Views of Muslim Thinkers About Justice

Political thinkers and Jurists of Islam like Al-Ghazzali, Nizam-ul-Mulk and Abir’-Rabi, have given a complete and comprehensive system of justice. In the opinion of Ibn Abir’–Rabi, it is the correctness of all deeds and is based on pleased means between the animal nature and the thinking faculty in man. Furthermore, it means putting anything in its deserved and proper place and providing everyone his due. Establishment and administration of justice is duty of government. This duty is superior to other functions of government. Position of Qadhi plays an integral role in the dispersion of justice. Thus, qualification of a Qadhi is an important in the system of justice. Here we are sharing ideas of Ibn Ab’r-Rabi about qualification of Qadhi. He says that Judge must be God-fearing coupled with an honourable character. Judge must have sound common sense and be conversant with the best of jurisdictional literature. He should bear a categorically flawless character.


He must not give judgments before he is satisfied that full proof has been presented before him nor err in his verdict when sufficient witness has been given. He should be courageous in giving what is due and right. He should not take any present nor take any recommendation. He should not ever ask any party to do him any preference. He should take great care to defend the possessions of the orphans. He should not ever meet any party in private.


We can say that real justice was dealing with the juniors or inferiors like a father, with elders like a son and with contemporaries like a brother and to give punishment only according to the wrong done and the power to tolerate it. So, keeping in mind above example, we can say that during traveling towards holy places of Makkah or Medina for Hajj via Islamic pilgrimage services in UK, we must ensure or fulfil all basic requirements of justice and fairness particularly during dealing with different flights and hajj packages.

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